If you have comments, concerns or general questions for the
Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission,
please attend the next meeting to speak
under public comment.
(You do not need to contact anyone to be heard
under public comment.)
If your issue will require board action, (a vote on the issue)
contact us to be added to the agenda.
All Castle Rock Township meetings will be held
in-person at the Town Hall.
2537 240th St. W.
Farmington MN 55024
Email: clerk@castlerocktownship.com
Phone: 651-460-2221
Office Hours: The Town Hall Office will be open Monday - Wednesday 8:30am-12:30pm or by appointment.
Please leave a voice mail at 651-460-2221 or email: clerk@castlerocktownship.com
DISCLAIMER: Every attempt is made to ensure the information on this site is accurate and current. Official hard copies of policies, minutes and resolutions are available at the town hall and take precedence over the material found on this site. Please contact the township if you should discover any inaccuracies. This information is provided as a public service to the citizens of Castle Rock Township. In the case where legal reliance on information is required, the official records of Castle Rock Township maintained by the Town Clerk must be consulted.
Website Disclaimer: This website is currently live, but it remains a work in progress. We are actively refining content, features, and functionality to enhance your experience. While we strive to maintain accuracy, please be aware that certain sections may be incomplete or subject to change. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to develop and improve this site.
All Rights Reserved | Castle Rock Township