Road Committee

Road Report December 2024

The roads throughout the town are in very good condition and the fall grading has worked out well. The rain at the end of December and increased traffic did cause excessive amounts of potholes on 275th Street between Hwy 3 and Denmark. Otte's was able to regrade the road before it froze again and the road is back in good condition. The progress on the new rail bridge over County Rd 86 has been delayed due to problems with the footings. As of 1/12/2025 the bridge is still not complete. At this time it seems hard to predict when County Road 86 will reopen. We got through our first plowable snowfall in December. If you have any concerns or comments good or bad please send them to the Road Inspector, currently Jerry Larson. (See contact page) Reminder to please send all road comments to the Road Inspector and not the clerk. Sending comments to the clerk only delays the process.

Parks Committee

BJ Elvestad is the Supervisor representative on the Parks Committee. Nothing to update at May Board of Supervisors meeting.

At the July 2024 BOS meeting no new ideas were submitted on what to do with Rocky Hills Park. At the meeting the board voted to continue mowing the park untill an alternate option is found.

At the June 2024 Board meeting there was a discussion on what the future of Rocky Hills Park should be. No final decision was made and we are looking for input from residents as to the best use of the park. You can submit your input by emailing the township, contacting a township representivive, or attending the next board meeting. So far options we are looking at is planting praire grass and flowers or just mowing the field.

North Cannon Valley WMO

Heather Mavencamp is the Township representative on the North Cannon Valley WMO. 

Here are some programs that were shared at the April 17 meeting that may be relevant to the residents:

Incentive Payment Practices Program (IPP)


The Incentive Payment Practices (IPP) program provides funding for the voluntary establishment of conservation projects.

All projects must demonstrate a water quality improvement and comply with local, state, and federal regulations. SWCD staff will work with applicants on project planning and design, and to submit a final project application. Applications are prioritized for funding based on their potential to provide water quality benefits. The number of applications approved may be limited by the amount of funding and staff time available.

More information found here:

And here is a report about a participant of the Cover Crop program:

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